Posts Tagged ‘News’

Thought Crimes?

By, WeThePeople


Video Description: The video is from MSNBC and shines some light on Mr. Obama and his plans to reform Justice.

*May have to go to YouTube.

Radioactivity In Saint Louis Missouri.

By, WeThePeople


Video Description: The video shows a radioactivity test done by an American.

*May have to go to YouTube.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Speaks On Libya.

By, WeThePeople

Video Description: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts speaks about the current U.C involvment in Libya.

*May have to go to YouTube.

U.S Troops To Be Used In Libya?

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 7, 2011

Let us take a look at the CBS article,

The United States may consider sending troops into Libya with a possible international ground force that could aid the rebels, according to the general who led the military mission until NATO took over.

Army General Carter Ham told Congress today that while sending a globalist ground invasion force including American troops into Libya may not be “ideal,” it is probably the only way to make sure the CIA organized rebels defeat Gaddafi and his troops.

I find this bit of news interesting because Mr. Obama told the American Press that the U.S Military will not send ground troops into Libya but the same time the administration has not ruled out the idea. This to me is a clear sign of a ‘possible’ U.S. led invasion.

I wonder how the rest of the world will look at the country if we deploy ground troops in a country that is currently under revolution. Time will tell I’m sure.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

Sugawara – The Man Who Survived The Japanese Tsunami.

By, WeThePeople

Video Description: The video shows Sugawara which is the man who instead of running to the hills he ran to his boat during the tsunami March 3, 2011.

*May have to go to YouTube.

IMF Urged To Use Surplus Gold For Financial Relief.


By, WeThePeople


Article Date:  April 4, 2011

Will quote the whole article,

Development groups have called on western governments to use $2.6bn (£1.6bn) from the sale of International Monetary Fund gold to finance a new wave of debt relief for the world’s poorest nations.

The IMF’s board will meet in Washington on Wednesday to discuss what it should do with the profits raised from disposing of just over 400 metric tonnes of gold, one eighth of the IMF’s total stock of the precious metal.

When it announced the sell-off in September 2009, the IMF said the move was an important step in putting its finances on a “sound long-term footing”. It added that important components of the strategy would be the creation of an endowment and a boost to concessional lending to developing nations.

Tim Jones, policy officer at the Jubilee Debt Campaign, urged the big western shareholders that dominate decision-making at the IMF to use the money for debt relief.

“The IMF is doing very well out of the economic crisis it helped to create, with a windfall from gold sales and profit from lending,” Jones said. “Yet, many poor countries have been forced into debt through no fault of their own, whether due to disasters or the financial crisis caused by western banks. The IMF should use its excess money to cancel such debts.”

He said a total of 58 civil society organisations and networks from across the world have written to the governments that control the IMF, calling on them to use the windfall to cancel poor countries’ debts. Signatories include Oxfam International, the International Trade Union Confederation, Action Aid International, Cafod, Save the Children and the World Development Movement.

Collins Magalasi, executive director of the African Forum and Network on Debt and Development, said: “This is a long-awaited opportunity for the IMF to cancel poor countries’ debts. The IMF has always said it lacks the money to be able to write off the debts of these poor countries. Now that there is an excess, it is only logical to use this money to cancel debts that are further crippling poor economies. For most African countries total foreign debt is a third of earnings from exports.”

Campaigners said Sierra Leone was an example of a poor country that had seen its debts increase as a result of the financial crisis. They said Sierra Leone’s debt to the rest of the world had doubled in recent years and in 2011, more of the government’s revenue would be spent on debt repayments than on healthcare.

I think we should view this news as a sign of how bad the global economy may be. While we keep hearing that things are slowly getting better we also keep hearing about budget cuts, tax breaks, bailouts, program cuts, ect.

Me personally, I think we will all soon find out just how bad things really are. This financial crisis has yet to be felt and when it comes down to it we are to blame because we have let our politicians run our countries.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

French Forces Join Assault In Ivory Coast.

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 4, 2011

I quote a statement from the article,

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — U.N. and French helicopters attacked Laurent Gbagbo’s last strongholds in Abidjan on Monday as forces loyal to Ivory Coast presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara streamed into the city in a “final assault.”

A quick re-cap on whats been happening in the Ivory Coast since March 1,

Gbagbo’s supporters carried out a number of attacks during March, attacking foreign businesses and UN offices in Abidjan on 1 March and killing at least six people attending a pro-Ouattara rally in the city. The northern suburb of Abobo was attacked by Gbagbo’s forces on 13 March in a bid to drive out pro-Ouattara supporters, and mobs were also reported to be roaming the city looking for their opponents and attacking or killing them. The violence resulted in 10 confirmed deaths and scores more wounded. Abobo came under heavy attack on 17 March, killing 30 people, when shells were into a crowded market from a nearby military barracks. It was unclear whether Gbagbo or Outtara supporters were responsible, though Abobo is generally pro-Ouattara. On 18 March, the UN issued a statement saying that the shelling was “an act, perpetrated against civilians, [that] could constitute a crime against humanity.” Another 52 people were killed in continuing violence in Abidjan between 21-26 March.

So with one side on its final assault the other has remained on the defensive. The United Nations has decided to join Quattara with chopper strikes against Gbagbo forces. Apparently the U.N has been in the Ivory Coast for a while only assisting in aid missions this I didn’t know.

United States President Barack Obama on March 27 released a statement telling Gbagbo to step down and hand over power to Quattara. Gbagbo has remained in power. I’m sure within a couple of days we will see what comes of this.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

Former CIA Officer Explains The Libyan Situation.

By, WeThePeople



Video Description: The video explains the situation in Libya. As I stated in a previous article, when Obama announced the end of U.S. operations in Libya they never mentioned anything about the Central Intelligence Agency. I would also like to point out how the two reporters were trying to question Michael Scheuer’s responses even though the former CIA officer was only responding to their questions.

*May have to go to YouTube.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

7.1 Mag – Indonesian Island.

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 3, 2011

Article quoted,

 A powerful earthquake struck off the Indonesian island of Java on early Monday morning, seismologists said, prompting a tsunami warning for some local regions.

The earthquake was recorded to be a 7.1 magnitude and struck off the coast of Java at 3:06 A.m. Authorities in Indonesia immediately issued a tsunami warning, while the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no threat of a Pacific-wide tsunami.

Till the next read this is WeThePeople.

Government Mind Control On Media?

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 2, 2011

I will quote the article,

A bizarre spate of television presenters dissolving into on-air gibberish has sparked claims that the U.S. military could be to blame.

In four high-profile cases, the latest involving fast-talking Judge Judy, the presenters have started off speaking properly but have then descended into undecipherable nonsense – looking confused and unstable. 

The frequency of the ‘attacks’ – and the fact that recorded examples of the mental meltdowns have been popular on websites – has led to conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at shadowy government experiment.

A popular theory being circulated online blames the U.S. Military’s supposed research into using microwaves as a mind control weapon.

America has never admitted conducting such research but proponents say the effects – produced by microwave signals stimulating the brain with fake images and voices – exactly mimic those displayed in the recent on-air breakdowns.

As to why the Pentagon might be targeting U.S. television presenters, the microwave theorists are less clear.

The phenomenon, which has provided internet video sites with some of the oddest footage for months, has now claimed one of America’s most highly paid broadcasters.

Judith Sheindlin, the fast-talking judge on Judge Judy, was taken to hospital on Wednesday after she began speaking a nonsensical string of words during a live recording of her courtroom TV show.

Studio insiders said Sheindlin, who earns £28 million a year for a show that is the most watched programme on American daytime TV, was sitting on camera and ‘started saying things that didn’t make any sense’.

Sheindlin then announced she needed to stop as she didn’t feel well and asked a crew member to call an ambulance.

The 68-year-old lawyer was released from hospital the following day but a spokesman said medical tests had not revealed what caused her garbled speech and double vision.

Her verbal breakdown is the fourth such recent case and the odd coincidence has prompted feverish speculation over the cause.

No video has been released of the Judge Judy incident but footage of the other three has rapidly gone viral on the internet.

The first victim was Serene Branson, a Los Angeles reporter for CBS, who delivered a completely incoherent piece to camera on the Grammy music awards last month.

The presenter was unable to get out her words and continued to struggle to speak for around 10 seconds outside the Staples Centre before producers cut to a video.

She said later: ‘My head was definitely pounding and I was very uncomfortable, and I knew something wasn’t right. I was terrified and confused.’

Her doctor later said she had suffered a complex migraine whose symptoms mimic a stroke.

Her case was followed by a Canadian news reporter whose report on his country’s contribution to the military campaign in Libya suddenly collapsed into gibberish.

Mark McAllister of Global Toronto News told viewers that the Canadian defence minister had confirmed that ‘more than sixty-four 18 fighter jets are spending about as much as 20 and ready to assist 600 hundred, hundred deployed over the an-amount needed’.

His piece-to-camera went on to become even more odd before he signed off.

His employers later confirmed there had been no problem with the autocue but McAllister had also suffered from a migraine.

In January, Sarah Carlson of WISC-TV in Wisconsin was also struck. She started out fine in her report on Wisconsin’s challenge to Barack Obama’s health care reforms, but it soon became apparent that she was having trouble forming words and the camera switched to a startled-looking co-presenter.

Unlike the others, Carlson, 35, has a history of seizures, but America’s army of conspiracy theorists are unconvinced by the medical explanations.

Video Description: Doctor uses microwave technology to show how it affects the brain’s activity. Also provides clips of what the article is talking about.


Till the next read this is WeThePeople.