Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

French Forces Join Assault In Ivory Coast.

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 4, 2011

I quote a statement from the article,

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — U.N. and French helicopters attacked Laurent Gbagbo’s last strongholds in Abidjan on Monday as forces loyal to Ivory Coast presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara streamed into the city in a “final assault.”

A quick re-cap on whats been happening in the Ivory Coast since March 1,

Gbagbo’s supporters carried out a number of attacks during March, attacking foreign businesses and UN offices in Abidjan on 1 March and killing at least six people attending a pro-Ouattara rally in the city. The northern suburb of Abobo was attacked by Gbagbo’s forces on 13 March in a bid to drive out pro-Ouattara supporters, and mobs were also reported to be roaming the city looking for their opponents and attacking or killing them. The violence resulted in 10 confirmed deaths and scores more wounded. Abobo came under heavy attack on 17 March, killing 30 people, when shells were into a crowded market from a nearby military barracks. It was unclear whether Gbagbo or Outtara supporters were responsible, though Abobo is generally pro-Ouattara. On 18 March, the UN issued a statement saying that the shelling was “an act, perpetrated against civilians, [that] could constitute a crime against humanity.” Another 52 people were killed in continuing violence in Abidjan between 21-26 March.

So with one side on its final assault the other has remained on the defensive. The United Nations has decided to join Quattara with chopper strikes against Gbagbo forces. Apparently the U.N has been in the Ivory Coast for a while only assisting in aid missions this I didn’t know.

United States President Barack Obama on March 27 released a statement telling Gbagbo to step down and hand over power to Quattara. Gbagbo has remained in power. I’m sure within a couple of days we will see what comes of this.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

Former CIA Officer Explains The Libyan Situation.

By, WeThePeople



Video Description: The video explains the situation in Libya. As I stated in a previous article, when Obama announced the end of U.S. operations in Libya they never mentioned anything about the Central Intelligence Agency. I would also like to point out how the two reporters were trying to question Michael Scheuer’s responses even though the former CIA officer was only responding to their questions.

*May have to go to YouTube.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.

The Illusion of Choice

By, WeThePeople

 Thanks To jnyblujns

The reason for this thread is to show the American people how our political system has been set up to create an image of choice. I don’t say this off of bogus claim. I did my research and there seems to be a voting habit between us Americans.

If we take a look at our voting habits by party going back 100 years starting with our current president.


Barack Obama, 2009- (Democrat)

George W. Bush, 2001- 2009 (Republican)

Bill Clinton, 1993- 2001(Democrat)

George Bush Sr., 1989-1993 (Republican)

Ronald Reagan, 1981-89 (Republican)

Jimmy Carter, 1977-81 (Democrat)

Gerald Ford, 1974-77 (Republican)

Richard Nixon, 1969-74 (Republican)

Lyndon Johnson, 1963-69 (Democrat)

John Kennedy, 1961-63 (Democrat)

Dwight Eisenhower, 1953-61 (Republican)

Harry Truman, 1945-53 (Democrat)

Franklin Roosevelt, 1933-45 (Democrat)

Herbert Hoover, 1929-33 (Republican)

Calvin Coolidge, 1923-29 (Republican)

Warren Harding, 1921-23 (Republican)

Woodrow Wilson, 1913-21 (Democrat)

William Taft, 1909-13 (Republican)


The fact is, we would have to go back to our 13th president, Millard Fillmore, elected in 1850 as a member of the Whig Party, to find a president that wasn’t a member of one of the two major parties [Rep & Dem]. With a few exceptions, we follow almost the exact same pattern throughout history. We elect a Republican, then we realize they didn’t do what they said they would, so we elect a Democrat next, same thing happens with them, so we elect a Republican the next time around. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Could it be that whoever we vote for truly doesn’t matter? Better yet we should ask ourselves why we tend to stick to these two political parties. It’s not because these parties offer something more than the other parties because each party pretty much carry similar ideology.

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the Republican or Democrat may just be two sides of the same coin? The politicians in these parties are raised in the same American families and social circles. Educated in the same colleges, fraternities and secret societies. Beholden to the same corporations and special interest.

Does it not seem at times that it’s almost scripted the way the two parties go back and forth? Do either of the parties ever really accomplish anything other than to divide the country and forces people to pick a side?

Growing up we have always heard the famous saying, “Together We Stand, Divided We Fall.” Then there’s the quote from Mark 3:25 in the Bible, “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

My point is, have we all been conditioned and deceived into believing we have a choice in this country. That the decision to choose a side may not be a decision. After all we are repeating history over and over again. The more we progress into the future the more it seems the world hates us, yet we keep supporting the same policies and ideologies that these politicians support.

I will end this article with a video that I find very on point to the way our society has become due to this Illusion of Choice and our failure to acknowledge it.

I do not consider myself to be for any political group or faction. I along with LibertyTruthOne represent my generation, the American people, the Constitution, and of course logical thinking.

Till the next read this is WeThePeople.

Sweet Lies

By, WeThePeople

Obama Lies –


 Bush Lies –

Video Descriptions: The following videos show how our politicans lie to us in order to get our support for whatever agenda they may have.

*May have to go to YouTube.