

CEO. WeThePeople

WeThePeople.WordPress.com is a site that dedicates a blog for each gem of information which may be of importance to the American people and the people of planet Earth.

With The Wiki Leaks issue and other global events there is an ongoing operation to shine light on Government Corruption. WeThePeople have declared war on our political leaders.

During these rough times we are witnessing dramatic events like never before. Our planet has been globalized like never before. With the 21st century we have entered the Info Age. The age of technology. WeThePeople along with many other patriots are at WAR.

.WeThePeople Creed.

1). WeThePeople will write for those who chose not.

2). WeThePeople speak for those who can not speak for themselves.

3). WeThePeople support Liberty, Justice, and Freedom for all who seek it.

4). WeThePeople stand for the Constitution and the Republic.

5). WeThePeople will not discriminate but will spread peace and love.

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