Posts Tagged ‘Ground Troops’

U.S Troops To Be Used In Libya?

By, WeThePeople


Article Date: April 7, 2011

Let us take a look at the CBS article,

The United States may consider sending troops into Libya with a possible international ground force that could aid the rebels, according to the general who led the military mission until NATO took over.

Army General Carter Ham told Congress today that while sending a globalist ground invasion force including American troops into Libya may not be “ideal,” it is probably the only way to make sure the CIA organized rebels defeat Gaddafi and his troops.

I find this bit of news interesting because Mr. Obama told the American Press that the U.S Military will not send ground troops into Libya but the same time the administration has not ruled out the idea. This to me is a clear sign of a ‘possible’ U.S. led invasion.

I wonder how the rest of the world will look at the country if we deploy ground troops in a country that is currently under revolution. Time will tell I’m sure.

Till the next article this is WeThePeople.